
Mr. Ishiguro-san was born in 1926 in Yoita-machi, Niigata-ken. Yoita was then the most active blacksmith town in Niigata prefecture. Ishiguro-Keijiro retired as a blacksmith in 1954 and began his second career as a tool wholesaler, a business he proudly continues alongwith his sons today. As a master blacksmith he conceived, forged and named many fine blades and in particular these three blades stand out brightly amongst the others.

A second blade Yoshihisa was created in later in
honor of the birth of his second son.
This blade reads down the center ISHIGUROYOSHIHISA and to the left HIDEN (secret method)JYUKUREN (high quality) and to the right TEIONTEUCHI (low temperature, hand hammered).

Finally Ishiguro-san created a third blade. It reads down the center ISHIGURO KEIJIRO and up to theleft and right SHOHYO (brand) TOROKU (registered)