Narutaki koppa #701
A poorly shaped stone, it will however add a nice polish
to a hard steel razor including removing 2k scratches with
just a little effort. The problem is that the stone being so
small that the stroke count goes up pretty high. I will
designate this light yellow koppa as a pre finisher
or a pocket hone for knives. One end it very thin and
could chip. Therefore the modest pricing.
Modest shipping on this gem.
The stone (toishi) has been lapped perfectly flat and the corners
and edges beveled unless otherwise noted. All of my stones
come with a money back guarantee minus the return shipping.
This stone will be shipped with a tested tomonagura slurry stone.
Hardness 8
Grit Fineness 9+
Speed/Cutting 8+ 9+
Size 90to110x78x5to17mm thick
No.701 Narutaki Koppa
Every single stone I sell comes with a full money back guarantee minus the return shipping, I am happy to work with the professional crafts person as well as individual hobbyists.